I post this as I am flying on Virgin America. The part about "blogging while flying" is cute, maybe even useful. What is not all that useful at the moment is the wireless connection. It is slow almost (but not completely) to the point of distraction. The slowness, I believe, is not due to the inherent slowness of the uplink/downlink, but instead because Google is running a promotion with Virgin to give everyone free Wifi during the holidays. I was on another full Virgin flight earlier this year, and I didn't really mind paying the $10ish for the connection, and it was much faster than this one.
I hope Google and Virgin America (and their wireless provider, Aircell) are getting some good data on what happens when you get as many people as possible using wireless on the flight at the same time. It should help them in determining a good price that will cause enough people not to use it to make it useful to those of us who are. From looking around the plane, I believe about 50 folks are using the service at the moment (out of 122 very full seats on the flight). It would be interesting to see what cutting that down to 25 would do to the bandwidth.