I have not forgotten that Bush and Blair lied to us about the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" in order to scare the crap out of us. Apparently, Jamie Zawinsky, my long-lost conspirator on RFC 2368, reads blogs of other people who haven't forgotten either. And zefrank says it if you don't want to read it.
Pushing the silly color code to red shows how over-the-top these "leaders" are. They are sure they captured all the perps, but they want us to feel scared anyway. No wonder so few of us listen to them any more.
Updated: Bruce Schneier has a way with words: "Last week's foiling of a major terrorist plot and the subsequent airport security graphically illustrates the difference between effective security and security theater."
Updated again: Eric Rescorla points out another flaw in TSA's silly "logic": " Either you believe that it's possible to get contraband into the sterile area or you don't."
Updated yet again: Ryanair threatens government over airport security. You mean that the losses we all have to suffer because our government doesn't know how to implement reasonable security might have consequences? Who would have thought...